The oft spoken complaint from both directors and homeowners in Community associations is “they never return either my phone calls or my emails”.
The truth of the matter is we all delay returning some calls sometimes even with good reason. We want to check the facts, we want another opinion, maybe even a legal one, and we want the customer to cool down first. Most of the time however we just don’t want to take or return the call because we know it is going to be awkward, difficult, stressful, obnoxious and certainly not pleasant. Our day would go a lot better if we attacked the problems first and having dealt with them however bad they might be we now have the ability to focus on managing the routine functions without the dreaded call or email waiting out there for us.
If we could only realize that prompt attention to the difficult saves us from worrying about it all day. The news or complaint or request or demand may not be what we want to hear but now it’s over and we can move on to other things rather than be suspended inanimately waiting to deal with the dastardly call. If we recognized that our job is to sooth the fevered brow, to lower the temperature as I call it, we should be ready and eager to learn how better to do something. Owning up to a mistake, omission failure is in itself cathartic, it allows our emotions to relax and slow down. Instead of building up a fever postponing the inevitable we are able to release some of the tension as the difficult emotion has passed. The goal of management should be to answer all calls and emails in a reasonable time. Each person has their own definition of what is reasonable. A blackberry user probably has a shorter fuse than someone who still has a rotary phone at home. Whatever the standard adopted by the management company it should stick to it. There is even some software that tracks phone calls.