Yes and no. Anybody or company that sells or rents property on behalf of another must be licensed. Anyone dealing with the public in the renting or leasing of property in the state must have a valid license issued by the state. Bookkeepers and handymen and strictly office staff do not need a license. Anyone talking about terms and conditions and pricing needs a license. Surprisingly, companies engaged in the management of homeowner associations do not currently need a license, nor do any of their employees. Certification is being talked about and maybe in 2012 some form of professionalism will be required but right now no license of any kind is required. In the homeowner association field there are two agencies that provide training one California based only and the other is nationwide. The California based organization is called the California Association of Community Managers while the national organization is called the Community Association Institute. Both hold classes followed by exams. CACM as the state entity is called, offers one professional designation the CCAM, while the national entity offers 3 levels of certification.